Monday, August 11, 2008

It Offers Information And Advice To Small Businesses At Www

If you' re collecting employment insurance, this may be your best opportunity to get a new venture going, Director of the, says James Byrne Small Business Consumer Centre. "For one thing, you have more time than when you' re fully employed. It offers information and advice to small businesses at www.

Even if you' re looking hard for work, you can devote a substantial amount of effort to researching and preparing your startup. " Byrne's organization helps small businesses launch and grow their businesses through grants, low- or no- interest loans, and other forms of financing. Help. Beyond the time, you may have, says Byrne access to a number of government programs to help you launch your own business. Grants- Loans. org. After all, it's in the governments' best interest to get you back to work. Human Resources Development Canada is a big player in this area, and offers programs such as the Self- Employment Assistance Program( SEA) .

If that means paying a little now, it's still a good investment. If you have a viable business idea, you may be eligible for income support while you work full- time on your business. The Business Development Bank of Canada( BDC) also offers a number of loan programs and consulting information for startups. This support can include a supplementary allowance for 52 weeks, and you can also receive training, counseling and technical advice. Take advantage of these now, while you have, advises Byrne the opportunity to devote time to the launch. There are monies available now for qualified existing& start- up small businesses. Would you like to receive money to launch and grow your own business too?

Visit The Small Business Funding Centre for more information.

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